horsemanship for life
We have several types and levels of horsemanship lessons. Depending on age, level of knowledge and experience will determine what type of horsemanship lessons you will want to experience. Our Horse Club lessons are 10-12 week lessons that help to develop the basic care, riding and handling skills of horses. Horse Club Lessons are two hour long. Horsemanship Beginning A lessons run for one hour. Other Horsemanship lessons increase by 1/2 hours each time a student levels up. Fees are listed below.
Horsemanship riding lessons are designed for ages 8 and up and are designed to teach a person to evaluate, care for, and handle horses safely. The lessons are divided into four topic areas:
- Knowledge
- Groundwork
- Grooming & Saddling
- Riding
Horsemanship lessons are mainly taught as group lessons on a four-week block schedule.
BEGINNING A (Safety, Ground and Bareback) is our basic beginning class. Students with no experience at Schow’s Ranchette and over 8 years old will start with this class as well as some 6 to 7 year old that need to move out of YOU & ME & HORSE MAKE 3. Students will focus on safety, ground skills and bareback riding with a little bit of saddle riding. Beginning A lessons are one hour per week.
Beginning B1(Basic Western riding + Beg. A) is our 2nd level beginning class. Students will maintain and grow what has already been taught in Beginning A and move to riding in a western saddle, work on saddling, lots of trotting, and lead line lunging. These lessons are to help build a secure seat and confidence while on a horse. Beginning B lessons are 1 1/2 hours long.
Beginning C1 (Basic English riding + Beg. B1) is our 3rd level of riding. Students will maintain and grow their previous skills as well as add the English style of riding working on strengthening core and leg muscles while walking and trotting in the English saddle.
Beginning B2 (Basic western riding + Beg. C1) is the 2nd half of our 2nd level beginning Class. Students will continue to maintain and grow what has already been taught and will work on bridling and western loping.
Beginning C2 (Basic English + Beg. B2) is the 2nd half of the 3rd level of riding. Students will maintain and grow their previous skills as well as adding the English style of riding at the canter and free lunging. English riding develops strength and coordination.
Intermediate A, B, and C lessons will follow the same outline above A being Safety, ground, and bareback, B being Western +A, and C being English +B. Intermediate lessons will be done in both the inside and outside arena, students ride multiple horses to learn to handle different personalities and energy levels, ride with different levels in the same lesson, and add a 1 1/2-hour Equine Management (EM) lesson. Intermediate/EM group lessons are 1 1/2 hours twice per week.
Equine Management lessons deal with horse care, feeding, medical, massage, trick training, tack care, equipment care and repair, facility maintenance, and other needed knowledge.
Advance A, B, and C lessons follow the same outline as Beginning and Intermediate, but students are working on a competitive level or training level with a young or rehab horse. Advance lessons also include the EM lessons.
Horse club lESSONS
The Horse Club lessons teach our riders about the ABCs of Horsemanship:
A: Attention B: Balance
C: Coordination and Confidence
Horse Club is for Beginning A (BA) and Beginning B1(BB1) students. It is a 10-week semester class that will run during the fall (Aug - Nov) and late winter (Feb - April). It will cover the same material as BA and BB1 block lessons, just in a different format. The class will be 2 hours long with 1/2-hour rotations to learn the different skills being taught. Students will share horses during the lessons time. Completion of skills will be required to advance to a higher level of Horse Club or to opt for Horsemanship for Life lessons.
Price is $450 per semester.
Registration for Spring Club begins Jan 17 thru March 1, 2025
Copy and paste link below to go to signup
You & Me & Horse makes Three is our Power riding lessons designed for 3-5 year old students. We ask that these riders have parental involvement in class as well as our riders who are learning disabled or have physical or mental challenges. Power riding lessons are taught as a half hour group lessons on a four-week block schedule. These are set up on a private/available time as needed. Contact Tammy at 801-735-7417 for more info.
Power Plus lessons are for 6 and up, until a student is tall enough to learn to saddle one of our smaller lesson horses. Power Plus lessons will ride horses bareback, western and English with help for saddling. Once the student is tall enough to learn to saddle they will move into out Beginning B lessons. These are set up on a private/available time as needed. Contact Tammy as 801-735-7417 for more info.
Power Lessons - 1/2 hour $200 per block (4 lessons)
2024 BLOCKs
Reg. starts Nov. 4 for Block 12 (Nov. 26 - Dec 20) Early Pay Nov. 19, 2024
NO LESSONS DEC 21, 2024 THRU JAN 5, 2025
BLOCK 1 (Jan 6-Feb 1) Registration start Dec 15 Early Pay Dec. 30, 2024
BLOCK 2 (Feb 3-Mar 1) Registration starts Jan 17 Early Pay Jan. 27, 2025
HORSE CLUB SPRING SEMESTER (Mar 3 -May 17) Registration starts Jan 17
BLOCK 3 (Mar 3 - 29) Registration starts Feb 14, Early Pay Feb 24, 2025